Further restructuring of domestic industry and success in attracting foreign investment are keys to future growth. 更长远的是,调整国内工业和有效吸引外资对于未来经济增长是关键的因素。
In this village, the immediate cause of the present economic depression is the decline of domestic industry. 在这个村里,当前经济萧条的直接原因是家庭手工业的衰落。
Yet the domestic industry here relies on Western technical aid for offshore drilling, delivered through joint venture partnerships such as the Exxon agreement. 然而在近海钻井方面,该国石油业依赖西方的技术协助,因此需要和埃克森这样的公司建立联营合作关系。
The rise of the Chinese domestic industry and the large amounts of trade with the international community have given the Chinese economy a large amount of influence. 中国民族产业的崛起及其与国际社会的庞大贸易往来都给中国经济带来了巨大影响。
Thus, it is not surprising that China – with a strong domestic industry on which to base a go out strategy – would seek to acquire and develop production assets around the world. 因此,中国寻求在全世界范围内收购和开发能源资产也就不令人惊讶了。中国拥有强大的国内产业,能够支撑其走出去战略。
But making good use of the cash will challenge a domestic industry shrivelled by years of low orders. 但是,如何利用好资金,对于因多年订单较少而萎缩的日本军工产业将是一个挑战。
Construction machinery gear transmission mechanism and domestic industry current situation 工程机械齿轮传动装置及我国行业现状
A sudden surge of imports can threaten a domestic industry. 进口产品的突然激增会对国内工业造成威胁。
The impacts of the quantity and price of the imported products under application for investigation to the domestic industry; 申请调查进口产品的数量和价格对国内产业的影响;
The Company is committed to spot welding, ultrasonic metal welding technology, such as product design and manufacturing trade battery materials for domestic industry leader. 本公司致力于点焊机、超声波金属焊等科技产品设计制造及电池材料贸易,为国内行业的领导者。
Mexico faces a year-end deadline to eliminate special quotas on Chinese goods, aimed at protecting domestic industry from a surge of cheap imports, which remained in place after China joined the WTO in December 2001. 今年底,墨西哥面临取消对中国产品实施特别配额的最后期限。该配额措施旨在保护其国内产业免遭大量廉价进口产品冲击,在中国2001年12月份加入世贸组织后仍然有效。
Use tariffs to favor domestic industry, in international trade. 在国际贸易中用关税来照顾国内工业。
The imposition of duties or quotas on imports in order to protect domestic industry against foreign competition. 为了抵制外来竞争保护国内竞争强迫接受关税或限制出口额。
In recent years, the domestic industry was established as a new economic growth point and consumption hot spots, is developing rapidly. 近年来,住宅业被确立为新的经济增长点和消费热点,发展迅速。
Anti-dumping is a legal means allowed in the WTO to protect fair competition and domestic industry against the imported products. 试论企业核心竞争力的培育、维护和提升反倾销是WTO允许的维护公平竞争、保护国内产业的合法手段。
Under WTO rules, a country imposing anti-dumping duties must prove its domestic industry has been injured by cheap imports from a specific country. 根据wto的规则,征收反倾销税的国家,必须证明本国产业受到了某个特定国家廉价进口商品的损害。
The capital markets in recent times have lost faith in domestic industry, and become enraptured with property, derivatives, bonds and every other asset class. 近来,资本市场已对国内工业失去了信心,变得醉心于房地产、衍生品、债券和其它各项资产类别。
Where the import shall be restricted in order to establish or accelerate the establishment of a particular domestic industry; 为建立或者加快建立国内特定产业,需要限制进口的;
The easiest way to capture that buying power on behalf of domestic industry is simply to exclude imports. 要想了解支持本国工业的购买力,最容易的方法就是简单地剔除进口数额。
CAAC said the directives were aimed at reducing excessive competition in the domestic industry while making Chinese airlines more competitive internationally. 民航总局表示,这些措施旨在降低国内航空业的过度竞争,同时提高中国航空公司在国际上的竞争力。
Such increase has caused irremediable damages to the domestic industry; 此种增加对国内产业造成难以补救的损害;
To help ( domestic industry) with tariffs or quotas on imported goods. 贸易保护通过关税和进口货物配额帮助(国内工业)
There are three circumstances violating actionable subsidy system: injury to the domestic industry of another Member; 有三种补贴情形违反可申诉补贴制度:损害另一成员国内产业;
This year will be the domestic industry is not quiet bathroom plumbing year. 今年将是国内水暖卫浴行业不平静的一年。
Mode of foreign animation industry to the domestic industry may be more revelations. 国外动漫业的模式或许可以给国内业界更多启示。
According to industry sources, the domestic industry can really rely on the chain to achieve self-sufficiency of the animation business less than five, two-thirds of the animation business in the red. 据业内人士透露,目前国内真正能实现依靠产业链自给自足的动漫企业不足五家,三分之二的动漫企业处在亏损状态。
The freeing of trade and capital flows and the deregulation of domestic industry and finance have both spurred globalisation and come to symbolise it. 开放贸易及资本的流动、放松对国内产业和金融管制不仅促进了同时标志着全球化。
( iv) evidence that alleged injury to a domestic industry is caused by subsidized imports through the effects of the subsidies; (iv)关于对国内产业的被指控的损害是由补贴进口产品通过补贴的影响造成的证据;
As a result, Chinese products and domestic industry should be hit hard by the discriminatory treatment. 这样不仅会使中国产品在国际市场遭受打击,而且会使相关的国内产业因此蒙受巨大损失。
But that regulation had not been strictly observed in recent years, leading to outcries from domestic industry. 但政府部门近年来并没有严格遵守该规定,引发了国内工业的不满。